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Bedrock Real Estate is a full service commercial real estate firm based in downtown Detroit specializing in the strategic development of urban cores. I worked with the Bedrock team during their startup as they acquired and renovated buildings in Detroit.


Print, Digital & Web Design, Marketing Materials, Photography Art Direction, Displays, Signage


Bedrock Real Estate


Working with Bedrock posed many challenges as they grew from just a few to over 100 buildings in their portfolio, ranging from office and retail buildings to residential and parking structures, to event venues and community common areas.

I worked as part of the team that worked to build and design marketing materials from print, web and digital to signage, displays and pitch decks for both B2B and B2C application.

Story Layout

Social Stories

Telling the story of Bedrock and the evolution of Detroit included social media stories, print ads, signage, banners, brochures, marketing materials, sell sheets, and pitch decks. 


From Print to Digital

Designing materials for both consumer and B2B, allowed for fast paced creative print and digital projects.

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